Monday, December 20, 2010

Well, y'all...Carmen is leaving for Florida tomorrow morning and I'm leaving for PA Wednesday morning. We decided to not worry about the blog until we get back. Hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas and we'll see you again after the first of the year.

Monday, December 13, 2010

week # 18

I love my job! All of my clients have different tastes which makes christmas my favorite times of year. Some of them have artificial trees, while others have real fraiser firs that touch the ceiling. Some trees are decorated with old ornaments from the past making one reminisce about the early years. Then other trees look like they came fresh from dillards with all the right ornaments on them but not half the sentimentality. This house in particular is one of my favorites. She decorates with real greenery all over the house. Boxwood wreaths hang on the french and exterior doors, garland graces the front porch railing, and a very pretty, very real tree holds all of the memories from Christmas past. But in all of this, in all of the beauty of the decorations and the hustle and bustle of the season sometimes I almost miss the real thing. The thing that Jesus Christ was born on Christmas. That this is HIS birthday not a national day to celebrate Santa and live trees. So with that much being said i want to enjoy the beautiful decorations, enjoy the happy songs, and enjoy each of my family and friends because Christmas seems to make them all dearer to me, and last but definitely not least I want to remember and cherish Christ's birthday more than ever this year.

I told myself that I was going to do something different this week, but I couldn't help myself. I'm enamored with Christmas this year. I've had my decorations up since before Thanksgiving! This year, we're traveling up to where the snow flies to be with my family. I can't hardly wait! I told my mom this morning that I don't think I've been this excited about Christmas since I was 7! :) But, like Carmen said, I don't want to loose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. The fact that God loves me so much that He sent His only Son to this horrible world amazes me. I don't deserve that much love...but I am VERY grateful for it!

Monday, December 6, 2010

week #17

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

Christmas is right around the corner. The air is brisk, the music is cheerful, the decorations are beautiful. I can't wait to spend time with my family and give them their gifts. But amoung all the bustle and excitement, I want to remember what Christmas is really all about. God sent His Son for ME! And that Son...that Prince...came as the lowliest of the lows so that I could be saved. No gift can compare to that.

Monday, November 29, 2010

week #16

i am thankful for my dear great grandmother. for as long as i can remember she has let us mess with the wrinkles on her hands. i know that doesn't sound like much to ya'll but it's one of those memories that bring warm fuzzies to your heart. Katie mommy, as everyone calls her, is now 93. we all thought she wouldn't be able to make it to this reunion, which is why i'm all the more grateful i got to hold her hand and feel the softness of her wrinkles, and think of all the things her hands have done. i hope i'm just like her.

It's funny that Carm and I both took a picture of about the same thing and both picked that one to post. I almost decided to choose another one, but I couldn't. This one is just too precious. Carrie holding Katie Mommy's hand. Mommy is such a wonderful person and I feel blessed that I was able to meet her before God calls her home. She's a beautiful lady full of love and happiness. And her sense of humor is awesome! :) At the reunion, when the little kids were preparing to play their games, I poked Mommy and told her that she needs to go play. She puckered out her lower lip and said in a very kid-like voice "but I don't want to!" :) It's very obvious where all those kids, grand kids, and great grand kids got their sense of humor and love of laughter.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

week #15

We had a really really wonderful time in the mountains yesterday. Just the youth hanging out 'n doin' nothing in particular. When the sun set over the mountains up at "Pretty Place" and the lights came on all over the valley one couldn't help but worship God. It was one of the moments that took my breathe away. love them. :)

I've been going by this little Church a lot lately, and I've fallen in love with it. The little steeple, the orange and purple stained glass windows, the little sign out front proclaiming that they gather in this little Church the 2nd and 4th Sunday's of the month.
"For where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

week #14

sometimes right now the fog is to thick to see through. sometimes hope seems like a pretty thin line to hang onto. but i keep praying. i keep listening. and through the fog i can hear Him calling me to Him and telling me that no matter how thick it gets in the future He'll be right there holding my hand, guiding me. this much i know is true.

After reading what Carmen wrote (and totally relating), I thought of a completely opposite picture (one that was not taken this week, sorry! :)). Pure joy. Because...even in the midst of unbearable fog, God brings joy. There IS good in every situation, we just can't always see it right away. But if we keep reaching out to God, He will bring the laughter again. So, here's to joy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

week #13


Yupper this here photograph dates all the way back to late 2008! Ancient times they were and we've all changed so. If my memory serves me correct we were at Bald Mountain! The view was stunning but I think that the people that were there made it all the more lovely. The dear girl on the left is my wonderful sister Jen. I miss her ever so much and can't wait to see her at Thanksgiving. Luve ya Jen! Hugge!

Ode to fall: Fall...I have a hard time liking you. You mean cold and winter are very near. Please, oh please could you be more like summer?
P.S. This picture won me a t-shirt! :) :p

Monday, October 25, 2010

week #12

No Spring nor Summer Beauty

has such grace as I have seen

As I have seen in one Autumnal face.

John Donne

I told mom one time that fall reminds me of an old lady growing more graceful with age. Silvery hair, sweet smiling eyes, lovely soft wrinkles, and story after story of her youth. In the same way I believe fall is a tribute to all the fresh days of spring and the glory days of summer and a acknowledgement of all the cozy days to come. :)

Yesterday, my hubby and I went on an adventure to the mountains. We got up at 4:30 so that we could get the the top and watch the sun rise. Then we spent the day driving all over taking pictures and enjoying each other's company. It was a magical day. One that will be remembered and talked about for many years. Perfect.

Monday, October 18, 2010

week #11

Nothing beats a quiet sunday afternoon with some of your favorite people in the world taking pictures and laughing and hanging out in your favorite small town in the world.

Yesterday afternoon, Carmen, Carrie, my hubby Dennis and I set out on a photography adventure. Dennis and I wanted pictures for Christmas cards and to fill some frames while Carmen and Carrie decided to have to pictures taken so they can hand out Christmas cards to their cleaning ladies. Carmen took the pictures of Dennis and I first, then we let him free to go home and I took some pictures of Carmen and Carrie. This is pretty much all I've seen yet, and I'm terribly excited to see how the rest turned out!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

week #10

For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us.

Richard H. Baker

One thing that I absolutely love about the South is all the old buildings. The South is known for not being able to let go of the past, and I think that maybe the old buildings and chimney's are a sign of that too. And the history lover inside of me can't help but wonder what that old house saw...what lives touched it?

Monday, October 4, 2010

week #9

"the doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."

-flora whittmore

This is actually one of the pictures I took on the bike ride, but this week was so crazy, I didn't have time to take any other pictures. I loved the old rusty coke signs on this old store. I took like 5 pictures just of the signs! Just another reminder of how time keep right on marching.

Monday, September 27, 2010

week #8

Wilderness Wheels
cycling to give youth a new outlook on life
This past weekend, Carmen and I had the privilege to photograph a bike ride. The ride was to raise money for Fairplay Boys Camp and Fairplay Girls Camp in Fairplay, SC. The bikers managed to raise $9000 while riding about 200 miles! They did wonderful and we had a blast, so we thought we would share with you our favorite shots from the weekend. Sorry we didn't get this done on Monday, but we had A LOT of photos to go through. Carmen's are first...Enjoy!

the camera crew! we had a blast! the top to are carrie and shelle and on the bottom is tish graber and me. :)

the valiant bikers themselves!!

my favorite creative shot! :)

to say the least we had a wonderful weekend and i'd do it all again in a heartbeat. :)


My hubby said that this was his favorite picture because it showed the bikers the best, so that's why I put it on here. But I have to say, I'm kinda proud of how I edited it. :)

This picture shows how the bikers felt after the end of the first day. It was hard! And by the end of the second day, they felt even worse. But they say it was totally worth it!

One local church had us all over for supper Friday night and the girls camp was there as well to show their appreciation to the bikers. They sang some songs for us and then Nate, the in charge guy, passed out the prizes to the bikers. He asked this little girl to help for the last one. Chuck (the biker) was in love with her and said later that he wanted to take her home with him. I was thrilled to have gotten this shot!

The bikers gave us a hard time many time for the odd places they would find us. "What are you doing in a grave yard!?" :) My reply was always, "There are only so many shots you can get of bikers before you have to get really creative." This was one of my "creative" shots.

Monday, September 20, 2010

week #7

quote for the day. . .

Listen! Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. . . in the wind. . . in the air. . . in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do . . . is listen.

August Rush

I've always wished that life was more like a camcorder. You can fast forward and rewind and even pause. There are moments in life that I wish I could go back and remember ever emotion I was feeling and every little detail of the my wedding. There are also little moments during a normal day where I think "this is was makes life wonderful." Of course, we can't rewind time...we can't relive any moment. That's why I try to treasure every second of every day that God gives me. Even this day that is full of pain and illness...every moment is a gift from God.

Monday, September 13, 2010

week #6

sad? kinda. happy? kinda. it's all so bittersweet. bitter because we are leaving everything we know and stepping into the unknown with God. sweet because it is with God that we are doing this and because He is leading us so directly.

there are a lot of other things to be happy about moving too like it being a great adventure to try new things. i get a new job other than cleaning which i've been doing for the past 3 1/2 years. new friends and church add to the excitement too since i do love meeting new people.

but sometimes a small feeling of sadness comes over me and i cry just a wee.

Daisies are such happy flowers...Meg Ryan said that on You've Got Mail. And, of course anything Meg Ryan says is true! :) But daisies are very happy flowers and right now, I have this thing with surrounding myself with things that make me happy. Bright colors... books... flowers... turtles from my childhood collection... my kitty ...absolutely anything as long as it makes me happy. Life seems...uncontrollable right now and every now and then, I need to see something to remind myself that life is still good. No matter how I may feel, God is good and He only wants what's best for me. That makes me really happy! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

week #5

This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom for others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it.

- Abraham Lincoln

I have this love affair with this shade of green right now. I seem drawn to it. It makes me happy...and that is why I'm posting this picture.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

week #4

Once again our lovely lake shows off it's God-given beauty. :) Seriously it was gorgeous this particular morning! The water had small ripples all over the top that let the sun bounce off of them, making them look like diamonds! I only pray that God can reflect off of me like that. It was absolutely beautiful.

P.S. Thanks again to my little sister, Carrie, who was darling enough to be my model again. Your the best, deary!

It was so beautiful out this morning when I went on my run (I feel so important saying that! :p). The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and it wasn't even 70* out yet! It was one of those mornings that I just wanted to break out singing "it's a beautiful day, and I thank God for the weather!" And then, I caught a glimpse of the sunlight dancing through the big tree in our yard; and you know those moments, like when you see a rainbow and you know deep in your heart that that was a hug from God...seeing that sunlight was one of those moments for me. And even though everything isn't "perfect," I know God will take care of me and everything will be good...and that's all I need.

Monday, August 23, 2010

week #3

o the loveliness of a summer evening. the moon was perfect this particular evening. the song really is true when it says that your gonna miss what you have right now. i never thought we'd move. never thought we'd ever have to leave my beautiful south. so i thank God for every day i get to spend here and cherish every moment spent in the warm summer evening air.

My grandmother had a thing for antique china. She passed on most of her collection to my sister and I. This teacup is one of my favorite pieces from her. Very cheerful and delicate and I think of her every time I see it. I love things like that that bring back good memories. Those are the things worth collecting.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week #2

if your lucky enough to be at the lake, your lucky enough.

Happiness is: soaking up the sun on a warm summer day. Feeling the kiss of heaven and knowing that there is a God and He loves you.

Monday, August 9, 2010

week #1

Nothing beats a beautiful morning drive to work. Because of my job we leave early enough to see the sunrise over a beautiful graveyard every morning. (I have a weird thing for graveyards.) Anyway this morning was especially gorgeous and I had to stop and take a picture of God's beautiful creation. It's when I see things like this that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt everything is gonna be ok. As Anne Shirley would say, "God's in His Heaven and all's right with the world."

I live in a little blue house. I love my house and it has an amazing story. According to the bank, it was impossible that we get the loan for it; but we prayed that if it was God's will, He would make it happen. And BOY! did He make it happen! Our little blue house is cute, but it's hard to bring that cuteness out in pictures...this is one of my attempts. And I don't normally like to edit my pictures too much, but I just liked this picture best this way. I promise I'll do better! :)