Monday, November 29, 2010

week #16

i am thankful for my dear great grandmother. for as long as i can remember she has let us mess with the wrinkles on her hands. i know that doesn't sound like much to ya'll but it's one of those memories that bring warm fuzzies to your heart. Katie mommy, as everyone calls her, is now 93. we all thought she wouldn't be able to make it to this reunion, which is why i'm all the more grateful i got to hold her hand and feel the softness of her wrinkles, and think of all the things her hands have done. i hope i'm just like her.

It's funny that Carm and I both took a picture of about the same thing and both picked that one to post. I almost decided to choose another one, but I couldn't. This one is just too precious. Carrie holding Katie Mommy's hand. Mommy is such a wonderful person and I feel blessed that I was able to meet her before God calls her home. She's a beautiful lady full of love and happiness. And her sense of humor is awesome! :) At the reunion, when the little kids were preparing to play their games, I poked Mommy and told her that she needs to go play. She puckered out her lower lip and said in a very kid-like voice "but I don't want to!" :) It's very obvious where all those kids, grand kids, and great grand kids got their sense of humor and love of laughter.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

week #15

We had a really really wonderful time in the mountains yesterday. Just the youth hanging out 'n doin' nothing in particular. When the sun set over the mountains up at "Pretty Place" and the lights came on all over the valley one couldn't help but worship God. It was one of the moments that took my breathe away. love them. :)

I've been going by this little Church a lot lately, and I've fallen in love with it. The little steeple, the orange and purple stained glass windows, the little sign out front proclaiming that they gather in this little Church the 2nd and 4th Sunday's of the month.
"For where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

week #14

sometimes right now the fog is to thick to see through. sometimes hope seems like a pretty thin line to hang onto. but i keep praying. i keep listening. and through the fog i can hear Him calling me to Him and telling me that no matter how thick it gets in the future He'll be right there holding my hand, guiding me. this much i know is true.

After reading what Carmen wrote (and totally relating), I thought of a completely opposite picture (one that was not taken this week, sorry! :)). Pure joy. Because...even in the midst of unbearable fog, God brings joy. There IS good in every situation, we just can't always see it right away. But if we keep reaching out to God, He will bring the laughter again. So, here's to joy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

week #13


Yupper this here photograph dates all the way back to late 2008! Ancient times they were and we've all changed so. If my memory serves me correct we were at Bald Mountain! The view was stunning but I think that the people that were there made it all the more lovely. The dear girl on the left is my wonderful sister Jen. I miss her ever so much and can't wait to see her at Thanksgiving. Luve ya Jen! Hugge!

Ode to fall: Fall...I have a hard time liking you. You mean cold and winter are very near. Please, oh please could you be more like summer?
P.S. This picture won me a t-shirt! :) :p