Tuesday, October 4, 2011


shoes are my weakness to put it simply. i think it's my girly girl side coming out. even when i was little and we went shopping for school shoes mom had to pull me away from the heeled shoes. so i guess that's why i have so many high heeled shoes in my closet now. and why i still fit so many on when i go into the store. :)

Could these two pictures be any different? :) These old, ratty work boots belong to my husband and they mean so much to me. They are worn by a man who works hard day and (sometimes) night to provide for me. They also remind me of the miracle of how God gave Dennis is business. I am also a girly-girl who loves her heals, but I don't think any pair of shoes means as much to me as these stinky work boots.

and then, she {snapped}


  1. your picture is amazin shell. thanks for lovin my brother the way you do. God knew what he was doing when he put you two together. love n hugs. carm

  2. Both these pictures and the posts to go with them made me smile. :) I am afraid I share both your sentiments exactly. :)

  3. I love those pictures!! So clever. :)

  4. Never was into the heels. I'm more the boot type. Love the post and thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love the fact that you and your sister-in-law keep in touch via blogging. That's great! :)

  5. What a great idea for a blog! Love these photos too...

  6. love those heels!! Wish I could wear them but that's difficult cause I'm already over 6' tall!

  7. Isn't it funny how those stinky work boots can mean so much?

  8. I like both pics but I'm Dennis' shoes almost made me cry. :) He was bragging on you so much shelle and I second what carm said, thanks for being so good to dennis and for loving him the way you do. :) Great post. Jen
