Tuesday, April 10, 2012


never stop dreaming. :)
no seriously, mom always wanted to grow
african violets and they just never did for her.
then we move to indiana and voila! we have the ever blooming african
violet so pretty in our window. :)

For some reason, the clover blooming in the field across the road from us, always looks so magical. Maybe it's transporting me back to my childhood when I used to romp through the fields picking clover for mom. Whatever the case may be, it's one of the reasons I fell in love with my little blue house two years ago. It seems like God has another adventure in mind for us. We will be leaving the little blue house across from the clover fields and heading up to IN. But, no matter where we end up, I will always look back on this house with great fondness. Here's to new adventures!

 then, she {snapped}

1 comment:

  1. I've not seen red clover, it looks lovely.
    New adventures and fresh blessings and beauty to look for in each day.
