Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and it's only end.
-Benjamin Disraeli

A daffodil is not something most people think about when they hear the word love, but I won't ever look at a daffodil the same way again. I clean for a couple who are around my parent's age. The husband lost his leg in a railroad accident when they were young married and he has a hard time getting around. Last Friday, when I cleaned their house, there was a HUGE bouquet of daffodils on the coffee table and I went off about how beautiful they were. Joni then told me that her husband picks her a bouquet every spring because he knows that's her favorite flower. Knowing how hard that must be for him, it just amazes me. That's love.

 then, she {snapped}


  1. wow, those are such adorable shots!
    thanks for this inspiring post:)

    happy wednesday!

  2. I have a special relationship to daffodils after I was in Ireland for St Patrick's day last year and saw the Garden of hope, that allows people to plant a daffodil and give money to cancer research, and also the money goes to hospitals and cancer units. It was so beautiful that it made me cry. Before that I never liked daffodils (had too many of them in my garden once) but now I love them.

  3. Beautiful photos. And the daffodils story made me teary eyed. Thank you for sharing, that truly is love...
