Once again our lovely lake shows off it's God-given beauty. :) Seriously it was gorgeous this particular morning! The water had small ripples all over the top that let the sun bounce off of them, making them look like diamonds! I only pray that God can reflect off of me like that. It was absolutely beautiful.
P.S. Thanks again to my little sister, Carrie, who was darling enough to be my model again. Your the best, deary!

It was so beautiful out this morning when I went on my run (I feel so important saying that! :p). The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and it wasn't even 70* out yet! It was one of those mornings that I just wanted to break out singing "it's a beautiful day, and I thank God for the weather!" And then, I caught a glimpse of the sunlight dancing through the big tree in our yard; and you know those moments, like when you see a rainbow and you know deep in your heart that that was a hug from God...seeing that sunlight was one of those moments for me. And even though everything isn't "perfect," I know God will take care of me and everything will be good...and that's all I need.